One of the things I struggle with is performing. I get very anxious and nervous and I dreaded every piano recital I ever had to play. I am a bit of a perfectionist and so I can hear every single mistake I make even if I am able to play through it and I get worried everyone else hears it too. It is something I have struggled with all my life and last summer I had the opportunity to play in front of 100 people to face my fears. I have slowly been forcing myself to play whenever there is a piano and I have a few songs I know by memory and will comfortably play in front of people.
However, I still get nervous to play in front of people. I have decided that instead of playing very small sections I can play perfectly I am going to play larger sections of the song with some mistakes to get comfortable making mistakes in front of people. So here is my first attempt which is the first 1/3 of the song.
Unfortunately only the audio came through for the link. The video simply shows my hands actually playing the song but you can get to it here.
I have also added a video of my performance last summer which can be accessed here.
Featured image is me performing in June 2019
October 29, 2020 — 5:13 pm
I’ve had really terrible performance anxiety that I’ve been dealing with all my life as well, despite having several hobbies that required me to perform in front of hundreds of people. If you have any tips on dealing with those kinds of things I would love to hear them!
October 30, 2020 — 1:33 pm
So I actually have some tips that I have found work for me! First I started with playing in front of just a few friends. Your friends will always be supportive of you and so its a really great way to start. Or if you also have friends you can do your hobby with and show other friends or family or find people who have a similar hobby because I always find it easier when the attention isn’t fully me. If your hobby was singing you could sing while someone accompanies you on an instrument and someone dances to the song that way there are multiple things for the audience to focus on and if you make a mistake it is not as noticeable as there are others to focus on. Probability states only 1/3 would be focusing on you at a time. I also taught beginner piano to young kids and I found that actually helpful because you have to show them how to do your hobby, which they are all so interested in and they just think you are amazing because you can do what they want to! I found it really boosted my confidence because going back to the basics may be so easy for you but these young kids are so intrigued and it made me think about how I actually am talented and even though I may make some mistakes when playing it has taken a lot of work to get here which is an amazing feat! I also started playing in public with no intended audience. I was able to play in an art gallery entrance and the oak bay pianos when they were on willows beach and actually there used to be a piano in Royal Jubilee I played on and playing for people when no one is paying attention but as soon as you finish here are all these people amazed at your accomplishment when you had no idea anyone was listening. And then finally I signed myself up for the huge performance where I had months to practice and then worked up my confidence but it would take a lot for me to do that again. I am always up to learn new things so I am here if you want someone to teach your hobby to or if you need an audience or if your hobby coincides with piano or guitar!
October 30, 2020 — 11:20 pm
Thanks, Rebecca!! This is great advice and I’ll definitely put it to use 🙂