Discoveries of a chemistry teacher-candidate


One of the things I struggle with is performing. I get very anxious and nervous and I dreaded every piano recital I ever had to play. I am a bit of a perfectionist and so I can hear every single mistake I make even if I am able to play through it and I get worried everyone else hears it too. It is something I have struggled with all my life and last summer I had the opportunity to play in front of 100 people to face my fears. I have slowly been forcing myself to play whenever there is a piano and I have a few songs I know by memory and will comfortably play in front of people.

However, I still get nervous to play in front of people. I have decided that instead of playing very small sections I can play perfectly I am going to play larger sections of the song with some mistakes to get comfortable making mistakes in front of people. So here is my first attempt which is the first 1/3 of the song.

First Attempt

Unfortunately only the audio came through for the link. The video simply shows my hands actually playing the song but you can get to it here.

I have also added a video of my performance last summer which can be accessed here.

Featured image is me performing in June 2019

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